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European Union Judicial Network

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Press release

On 11th September 2017, a meeting of representatives of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts of the Member States of the European Union was held at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg at the invitation of its President, Mr. Koen Lenaerts. The aim of the meeting was to present a website created for the purpose of launching the “European Union Judicial Network”.
The meeting was attended by a representative of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, which perceives this initiative very positively. During the two working sessions titled “Presentation of the EU Justice Network website” and “EU Judicial Network cooperation” a structure of the website was presented to the participants. The discussion touched on the aspects related to IT security, the management of access rights to the website and the functionality of the site in relation to content sharing and the search engine. The participants also discussed the issue of cooperation between Member States in the linguistic and terminilogical areas.    
The EU Judicial Network is a project under the auspices of the Court of Justoce of the European Union, which should contribute to the deepening of cooperation between the Supreme and the Constitutional Courts of the Member States in order to strengthen mutual trust between these judicial authorities. The Network itself will take the form of a website to which the Member States will have access based on four basic principles. These are the principles of multilingualism, security, sharing and constant development of the site. The website will consist of several modules aimed at sharing documents related to preliminary rulings, national judicial decisions with a European element and analytical and comparative studies produced by the Research and Documentation Directorate of the EU Court of Justice and parallel bodies of the Member States. Launch of the website is set on the 1st of January 2018. 
Communication Department 
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